What should be the mindset before starting to learn something new? Taking the First step.

Anshika Singh
2 min readJun 1, 2021


Learning always require efforts. But above all what is it that decides whether we fail or succeed? If I start learning a skill today, as an individual in this time of pandemic where any way I could contact peer is virtual, will the old ways work?

Working alone while managing the ongoing semester. Fear of imperfection. Self-assessment revealing the same poor results persistently.

Being daunted by this ever-growing void, I’m somewhere missing out the opportunities. If there’s no one to counter or compare to, then managing my own profile might work.

Almost all the resources and tutorials out there are by the people having considerate amount of experience in their field. This scenario gets reversed when we practice with our peers. They’re inexperienced and learning along with us at their pace which is beautifully challenging and exciting.

The process to attain the flow actually leads to satisfaction while sometimes watching too many people already having rehearsed access to it, leads to unnecessary comparisons and frustration, whether we accept it or not. Truth is, everyone has their individual timeline. Difference is of relativity.

Acceptance is the key.

I was unable to find anyone in my field, at my level whose growth + failure + success+ challenges I could witness and learn freely with them. Hence, deciding to record my own thought process, approach and activities for anyone in a situation like me.

I’ve fear of presenting my work. Divergent interaction between the natures of the subjects I want to pursue and the one I’m studying at college, results into chaos in maintenance of knowledge I gather.

Therefore, I’m working on developing connections between the dots. Somehow it’s easier to find topics to read but problem is too much availability of the content out there. Being a beginner, you’re a dead man the moment you dig in too deep in the first topic you find. The connections I develop definitely are based on the assumptions on the data I could find. Hence,process is based on trial-an-error.

This post is to just mark the Day1. All the plannings and challenges I plan to undertake are part of second post.

P.S: If it reaches you, I’m really happy to find you! It was surprising to find out that even a loner being like me could miss observing people from a distance. Contribution of people in our lives is significant, even if their interaction is minimum.

Happy First step!

